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This game is cool, but kinda unfair with the rng.

1 Star.

Also I did beat the game.

Really cool game !

Every year I speedrun this game seems like.  Its a lot of fun to keep coming back to. Seems nobody can take my speedrun world record tho lol why is it just me breaking it again and again haha

this game is fun conceptually but frustrating because the controls are very difficult to use and very buggy- they'll skip over spaces so you select the wrong card or put it in the wrong spot, and it'd be good if you could cancel a selection because sometimes you don't even want to select a card, but the menu opens and you're trying to figure out how to close it. that being said, i enjoyed  the gameplay loop a lot.

Awesome! very fun. my first two runs were confusing, but by run 3 i understood. very enjoyable

fun to play. i think a full version that had a better balance between drawn cards and the level generation would be really good


Hello Mush,

My name is Antonia Gates, I manage the games at I really enjoyed Dungeon Solitaire, I think it would be a great fit on our site!

I'm writing to ask if the game is available for non-exclusive licensing. Our licenses are totally non-exclusive, so you would maintain all of the IP rights and could continue to develop and distribute the game however you'd like to.

Please let me know if it is available, and how much it would cost. I'm looking forward to discussing this with you soon!

Best regards,

Antonia Gates

WHAT???? Amazing!

i was right there and i died at level 9 you got to be kidding me !

This game isn't very good at determining when there's no longer a valid path forward... And it doesn't properly add back unused cards...

Nice but too sad it is buggy: It sometimes ends the game with "no more moves" despite there is a valid path.

Wow I love your game!

So relaxing. I love it.

Love it!

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I would've had a much faster run, since one time i got to level 5 without playing a single card but then I died without completing the game.

Any chance you have a physical copy of this card game made as well? or a print n play?

I like the idea but it turns out to be harder than I thought. However, I've just found some controls menu and there are some 2nd player's buttons. Was it meant to be multiplayer?

I think its just because it uses PICO8

Such a cool concept!!

Very interesting.

If it happens again I'll try to get a screenshot.  I used my last draw and put down a card that completed the path to the crown but it gave me an instant game over before it let me move to the crown.  Other than that, this is an awesome time filler.

Yeah exact same thing happened to me, put down just the right piece and even though I could see the path the game just ended.


Really nice concept! Just one little thing... This text box is overlapping some cards:

Really nice project!


Small resolution doesn't suit a text heavy game.

Nice game!

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Lovely ! I'm still learning how to play and I just want to report this bug inbetween level 1 & 2 :

I have just finished the game, and I loved it !

Really clever & original game mechanics. It's pretty, fast and polished.

It took me a while to understand the rules at first, but my only real complain is the random difficulty level. Sometimes you can clear a level at once, while some other are impossible to solve.

Maybe the procedural generator for the levels should ensure they all have a unique solution given the player cards ? I understand that the initial "deck building" phase is interesting to have, but it looks like for some initial cards choice and some levels there is no solution, which can sometimes generate some frustration.


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one word. ADDICTING!

(Edit) is it okay if I make a physical version

I would love to do the same thing

This game is very close to being well-balanced, but the way in which draw-three forces two to the discard means almost all of your strategy has to bias towards maximal redundancy, and you can basically never use any of the power-up cards because the discards will almost certainly be useful floor tiles that would let you progress directly or keep your card count up.

Really fun game, I love to randomly pick up this game and play a few games. Although, I found a glitch. if you play normally, but then bring up the menu using x, if you press z, it produces an error, and then it forces you to close.


Fun idea but far too much RNG. Managed to get to level 9 after restarting the game about 6 times. Would be better if your discards went back into the deck during the same floor. Either the game needs more scope (I.E. longer/more levels) or better hand mechanics (I.E. bigger hand size or the discards comment from above).


Nice concept, lots of fun. Only complaint is that I got to level 9 and had a route to the crown - but lost the game to "no more moves" because I used my last card to create the route. I didn't need any more card plays! Still good.

Really really nice little game, managed to win with 57 steps and 10 cards played. Some really fun little decisions, and it's always exciting to see what you're going to draw!

Looks good and it's fun! 10/10

Really nice game as a whole. Definitely can see this as a full game. But tbh, not really seeing the 'only one' aspect of it. But I love to see this game expanded. Its an interesting approach to a rogue game.

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Really well-designed! I got to level 7. The visuals are lovely (I didn't have headphones).

Very interesting concept! I arrived only at level 4 but i enjoy it! Good luck for the jam! ;)